Nepali Academics in America

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  • July 15, 2024 5:29 PM | Anonymous

    Check out the latest issue of NACA Newsflash Vol. 4 Issue 3, which announces the 2025 NACA Biennial Conference and provides the recent updates on our collaborative efforts with Tribhuvan University as well as Daayitwa Abhiyan Nepal. This issue also covers research highlights covering an important topic of poverty reduction in Nepal, news updates of our members, our member spotlight featuring valuable members, a list of new members who joined NACA in the last three months, and a list of publications by our members. Enjoy!

    Open the Newsflash Vol 4 Issue 3

  • April 15, 2024 2:15 PM | Anonymous

    We are delighted to present to you a new edition of the NACA Newsflash (Vol. 4, Issue 2). As you can see in the items covered in this issue, we have many exciting collaborative programs and events to share with our members and supporters. 

    Open the Newsflash Vol 4 Issue 2

  • February 17, 2024 4:02 PM | Anonymous


    We invite all NACA members to our upcoming Annual Meeting 2024 (virtual) on April 20 (10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Eastern Time). This is an important community wide event to reflect upon our accomplishments and discuss our collective future. We will have a featured speaker and panel discussion, along with our business meetings. Details forthcoming. 

    Register for the Annual Meeting

  • February 16, 2024 8:24 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to the first issue of our Newsflash for the year 2024. We share with you some exciting updates and important announcements, including info about our upcoming Annual Meeting scheduled for April 20, 2024. A lot is happening at NACA. Our organization continues to thrive, and our members have contributed fascinating updates for your perusal. We extend our gratitude to all who have contributed content for this edition.

    Open the Newsflash Vol 4 Issue 1

  • December 14, 2023 7:15 PM | Anonymous

    In this final issue of the year 2023, we bring your attention to the ongoing "The Nepal Health Research Initiative" project, led by Dr. Sadeep Shrestha, who graciously shares his experiences and insights. Moreover, our "Members Spotlight" section features three valuable members representing NACA's interdisciplinary focus and diverse expertise.

    These highlights are just a glimpse of the exciting content enclosed in this issue. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support throughout the year. As we usher in 2024, we wish you all a Happy New Year filled with prosperity, productive collaboration, and academic excellence.

    Open the Newsflash Vol 3 Issue 5

  • August 20, 2023 9:14 PM | Anonymous

    The fall semester is upon us, and here at NACA, we are gearing up for our upcoming fall activities. Stay tuned for the announcements regarding our activities. Additionally, we are in the process of reorganizing our committees, and we warmly welcome more volunteers to join us. If you are interested in contributing, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can choose to serve on any of the following committees: Membership Excellence, Institution and Partnership Development, Programs and Events, and Communications.

    In this new edition, we are thrilled to present you with some fresh and exciting updates. This issue features a reflective piece by Neelam C Poudyal on his experience as a Fulbright Scholar in Nepal, shedding light on his ongoing research regarding the performance of the Bufferzone Program in Nepal. Alongside this, we continue to provide our regular features, including member spotlights, awards and updates, recent publications, and various announcements.


    Open the Newsflash Vol 3 Issue 4

  • June 19, 2023 5:22 PM | Anonymous

    In this edition of NACA Newsflash, we are delighted to present to you research highlights, profiles of our life and general members, and some exciting news of awards, publications and events. We anticipate even more exciting updates in the upcoming fall semester. Stay tuned.

    Check out the Newsflash in PDF by clicking the thumbnail or button below:

    Access the Newsflash Vol 3, I 3

  • May 11, 2023 8:59 PM | Anonymous

    Writing Retreat for NACA Members

    July 30 - August 05, 2023
    Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

    The Nepali Academics in America (NACA) is pleased to announce this writing retreat opportunity for its members hosted by Prof. Shanta Pandey at her home in Boston. There are five seats available for this retreat.

    This retreat opportunity is made possible by our gracious host Prof. Shanta Pandey (Boston College, School of Social Work) who is also a member of the NACA Advisory Council. We are grateful for her generosity and leadership in this unique opportunity.

    About the Writing Retreat

    This retreat will offer six nights and five days of uninterrupted hours to write, read, reflect, and interact with scholars from varied disciplines. The rooms have a chair and table, but you may use other spaces on the first floor, including the patio and the swimming pool area, for your writing. The house has high-speed Wi-Fi. If you need to use the library, the Boston College library is within walking distance (0.6 miles). The house has a printer but no copier or scanner. If you plan to print out more than a few pages, you may need to use Copy Centers (e.g., FedEx Office) around Boston College. The house is smoke-free, and smoking is not allowed inside the house.

    There are no fees for the retreat; however, writers are responsible for transportation to and from the retreat venue. Writers should arrive on Sunday, July 30, 2023, after 3:00 pm. From then on, you will be Professor Pandey’s guest until 10:30 am on Saturday, August 5. She will generously provide rooms and meals, starting with dinner on Sunday evening. Every day, continental breakfast will be available from 7:00 am to 8:30 am and light lunch between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. Coffee and tea will be available all day. Cocktails will be served at 6:00 pm, and dinner will be served at 7:30 pm. You can take a break from your writing after 6:00 pm and help her prepare dinner and clean.

    The retreat is your free writing time, with very little structure. Writers will meet as a group and have dinner together every evening. Occasionally, Professor Pandey may invite a colleague or two from Boston’s higher education institutions to join the group for dinner. Please do not bring family or pets during the retreat, but you are encouraged to invite them and enjoy the New England area before or after the retreat.

    Application Process

    Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest to Dr. Gyan Nyaupane at The applicant should be a member of NACA. If you are not a member yet, be sure to join us before submitting this application. The application should include a paragraph with your writing plan for the retreat, such as writing a book, book chapter, article, grant proposal, or anything, and how this opportunity advances your scholarship. If the retreat helped your scholarly publication, please acknowledge NACA and the host’s generosity in your publications. There are no additional expectations for attending this retreat.

    The application deadline for the Writing Retreat is May 25, 2023. Applications will be reviewed by a committee commissioned by NACA. If you are selected, we will notify you by June 5 and request your decision by June 10.

    If you have any questions about the retreat, please contact Dr. Gyan Nyaupane.

  • April 30, 2023 7:29 PM | Gyan Nyaupane (Administrator)

    Please find the April-May 2023 Issue of Newsflash, an e-newsletter of the Nepali Academics in America (NACA).  NACA Newsletter Vol 3 Issue 2.pdf

  • April 30, 2023 6:54 PM | Anonymous

    We are thrilled to announce the new Executive Council for 2023-2025, and we cannot wait to see what they have in store for our organization and its members.

    First, we would like to express our gratitude to the outgoing Executive Council for their dedicated service to NACA over the past two-three years. Their hard work and commitment have helped shape our organization and move us forward towards our mission.

    Without further ado, let us introduce the incoming Executive Council for 2023-2025:

    President: Gyan Nyaupane (Arizona State University, Phoenix)

    Vice President: Milan Shrestha (Arizona State University, Tempe)

    Secretary: Arati Maleku (Ohio State University)

    Treasurer: Pradeep Sapkota (University of North Texas)

    Member: Dinesh Paudel (Appalachian State University)

    Member: Neelam C Poudyal (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

    Member: Soni Pradhanang (University of Rhode Island)

    Member: Sadeep Shrestha (The University of Alabama at Birmingham)

    Member: Brijesh Thapa (Oklahoma State University)

    We are confident that this talented and diverse group of academics will bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to NACA, and we cannot wait to see their vision come to life. They have a wealth of experience and expertise in various fields, and we are excited to see how they will use their skills to benefit our organization and its members.

    As we look towards the future of NACA, we are excited to continue building on our mission to provide a platform to connect, engage, and collaborate for our members. We know that with the guidance and leadership of our Advisory Council and new Executive Council, NACA will continue to grow and thrive.

    Please join us in welcoming the new Executive Council for 2023-2025, and we look forward to working together towards a bright future for NACA and its members.


    On behalf of the NACA 2023 Election Committee

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