Nepali Academics in America
Dear NACA members,
As we seek to host our third NACA Annual Conference on April 14-16, 2023 (in person in Phoenix, AZ, and online), we hope you are as excited as we are about the opportunity to meet and interact with members and friends of this evolving organization. We would like to thank you for your continuing support of this “non-profit and non-partisan network established to enhance collaboration among Nepali academics and other scholars affiliated with higher education and research institutions based in the United States of America and beyond.” We recognize the need for some of us to participate in this global event remotely and encourage those of us with an ability to participate in-person to do so and optimize our experience and networking benefits. We would like to thank the Program Committee co-chairs and members for their hard work on planning and making this event a success.
As we gear up for this momentous event, the Executive Council is excited to announce our third General Assembly (business meeting) to take place on April 15, 2023 (1:30-4 pm MST) per NACA Constitution and Bylaws (Article 5). This will be on the second day of this year’s annual conference hosted in a hybrid format. While remote (online) participation will be allowed, we encourage attending the General Assembly in person if at all possible.
We would also like to remind you that our biennial election to the Executive Council is to take place at or prior to this Assembly where every registered member will be expected to vote and, as appropriate, nominate appropriate candidates (including self-nomination) for different positions of the Executive Council as well as for voluntary membership to the three standing committees and Newsflash Team. Our organization depends on your enthusiasm, support, and participation for our collective interest and so we expect you to participate and take charge of different activities, initiatives, and bodies of the organization.
The Executive Council is working out the specific process of this election and nomination with the Membership and Member-Support Committee. Please stay tuned for more details coming out very soon.
Udaya R. Wagle
Founding President
On behalf of NACA Executive Council
Nepali Academics in America (NACA)
© 2024 NACA. All Rights Reserved.